Assoc. Prof. Dr.Andrzej Narloch

Dean of the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures
room 106B, Collegium Novum
office hours:
Tuesdays 9:00–10:00
Fridays 10:00–11:00
Tuesdays 9:00–10:00
Fridays 10:00–11:00
- Duties
- creation of an academic discipline development strategy, consistent with the development strategies of the academic field school and the University;
- formation of a policy for evaluation of the quality of research under a given academic discipline, in conjunction with the discipline council;
- cooperation with the vice-rector directing the doctoral school in relation to the education of doctoral students and the appointment of their supervisors;
- organization of the work of the discipline council, if such a council has been established within the faculty;
- preparation of a preliminary plan and a financial plan for the faculty;
- disbursement of awarded funds in accordance with the authorisation granted and with the rules laid down by the Rector;
- support for the obtaining of funding for academic research;
- support for the commercial use of the results of academic research or development work and for other means of transfer of such results to the economy;
- oversight of the activity of the faculty’s organizational units;
- assurance of the functioning of infrastructure and a library and information system at the faculty to the extent necessary for the performance of the faculty’s tasks;
- provision of personnel for particular study subjects and determination of a timetable for classes, after obtaining the opinion of the programme council for the course of studies;
- oversight of non-teaching staff as set out in the University’s organizational rules;
- submission of proposals for employment, awards and the granting of leave;
- submission of proposals for the appointment of heads of the faculty’s organizational units;
- submission to the Rector of an annual report on the activities of the faculty;
- notification of the discipline council of the work of the programme councils of relevant courses of study;
- indication of courses of study that may form a course group
Prof. Dr.Dominika Skrzypek
Deputy Dean for Research
room 117B, Collegium Novum
office hours:
Tuesdays 9:00–10:00
Fridays 10:00–11:00
Tuesdays 9:00–10:00
Fridays 10:00–11:00
- Research activity of the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures:
- coordination of the Faculty’s research policy;
- reporting on research activity;
- parametric evaluation;
- academic promotions and awards
- Publications:
- database of work published by members of staff;
- electronic publications;
- cooperation with AMU Academic Publishers;
- cooperation with the Collegium Novum library.
- Research projects and grants:
- coordination of policy on the seeking of outside funding for research;
- cooperation with the Dean’s representative for grants and with leaders of research projects at the Faculty.
- Chairing the Dean’s Council in case of the Dean’s absence
- International cooperation
- Research activity of the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures:
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Tomasz Klimkowski
Deputy Dean for Students’ Affairs
room 105B, Collegium Novum
office hours:
Tuesdays 9:00–10:00
Fridays 10:00–11:00
appointments can be booked in room 102B, 121B or 122B
Tuesdays 9:00–10:00
Fridays 10:00–11:00
appointments can be booked in room 102B, 121B or 122B
- matters concerning full-time and part-time students, consideration of students’ applications (for leave, retaking of a study year, retaking of study subjects, etc.);
- social and welfare matters concerning students on full-time and part-time courses;
- cooperation with the student council;
- oversight of students’ academic, cultural and sporting initiatives;
- oversight of students’ work experience and vocational training placements;
- oversight and coordination of the realization of full-time and part-time study programmes;
- coordination of the work of the educational quality assurance group;
- coordination of the process of admissions to full-time and part-time courses of study;
- cooperation with the group for confirmation of the results of learning;
- cooperation with the directors of postgraduate courses and professional training courses.
Assoc. Prof. Dr.Agnieszka Błażek
Deputy Dean for Organization and Education
room 108B, Collegium Novum
office hours:
Tuesdays 9:30 - 10:30
Fridays 10:00 - 11:00
by prior appointment
Tuesdays 9:30 - 10:30
Fridays 10:00 - 11:00
by prior appointment
- Organization of the teaching process at the Faculty:
- coordination of the fulfilment of employees’ teaching duties;
- oversight of study programmes carried out by the Faculty in conjunction with other units of AMU and other educational institutions;
- coordination of the preparation of new study programmes, applications for the establishment of new courses or specializations, postgraduate courses and professional training courses.
- Promotion of the Faculty:
- coordination of the Promotion Group;
- the Faculty’s online presence;
- promotional materials.
- Cooperation between the Faculty and other organizations:
- cooperation with business;
- cooperation with schools;
- contact with graduates (including obtaining information on graduates’ career paths).
- Oversight of the Faculty’s infrastructure.
- Organization of the teaching process at the Faculty: