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Hansjörg Mixdorff z Beuth Hochschule Berlin. Zaproszenie na wykład

Z przyjemnością informujemy, że na Wydziale Neofilologii będzie gościł prof. Hansjörg Mixdorff z Beuth Hochschule Berlin, uznany badacz i specjalista w obszarach fonetyki, technologii mowy oraz komunikacji. W poniedziałek, 4. lipca o godzinie 14.00 w sali 109A Instytutu Lingwistyki Stosowanej w Collegium Novum wygłosi wykład pod tytułem "Audio-visual attitudes in a cross-language setting"

(streszczenie poniżej). Serdecznie zapraszamy!

Audio-visual attitudes in a cross-language setting Expressions of attitudes are an integral basis of speech communication.

In a dialog situation we continuously monitor our interlocutor's behavior and aim to assess his/her intention and attitude while adjusting our own speech acts in real-time. Our propositional attitudes, in short, our ideas of the world are highly predictive of our behavior.

These interact with social attitudes shaped by the cultural environment.

Hence expressing attitudes unambiguously and decoding those of our dialog partner helps us control the dialog and achieve the goals of the conversation. In this talk I present a paradigm for investigating expressions of attitude audio-visually and results on their intra- and inter-cultural decoding.